Used for displaying upcoming camps
1:6 Coach to player ratio
1:6 Coach to player ratio..
Summer Schedule for 2025
Announcing our Summer 2025 Schedule …
5 Reasons
5 Reasons ..
5 More Reasons
5 More Reasons ..
“The only way that we can live, is if we grow.
The only way that we can grow is if we change.
The only way that we can change is if we learn.
The only way we can learn is if we are exposed.
And the only way that we can become exposed is
if we throw ourselves out into the open.
Do it. Throw yourself.”
We are already well advanced with our planning for our 2024 camps and we will open booking shortly with some great Early Bird discounts. Our plans are for <==> Easter All Skillz and GCSE Camp – 2nd to 4th April <=> Emerging Elite Camp – End of June <=> Elite Camp – Early August<=> Pre-Season Boot Camp – Mid August <==> Residential options will be available for the camps at the end of June and July. Other camps are also being planned such as our successful Northern Lights Camps as well as another SHARE THE PASSION session. Keeps and eye on the website and social media for further details or send us an email.
Presenting at the AVCA Convention
A familiar face from British volleyball …
The American Volleyball Coaches Association (AVCA) is the organisation that represents the profession of volleyball coaching in America and their annual convention brings together thousands of coaches from across the world in December every year.
This year it is being held in Tampa, Florida – a welcome change from the usual frozen locations. Another first at this years convention is that there will be a session presented by a British coach. Simon Loftus the England men’s coach, and Head Coach at our Emerging Elite Camp will be presenting a session titled “Mental Health and Wellbeing in Coaches”